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 Easter Weekend Offerings - Day 2

Grassroots Powdersurfing: Easter Weekend Offerings - Day 2

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Easter Weekend Offerings - Day 2

So much powder to slash - so little time

Day 2 of Easter weekend greeted us with blue skies and nice cool temps again. We rallied up to a familiar zone and bagged a few long north facing lines to start off the morning. Slashed a few lips, popped some ollies, shredded some ditches and dropped some rocks. So much fun. RC had to bail out early but I decided to stick around and grab a few shots I had been thinking about.

whip slash in the middle of "ditch fest" - one of my favorite low consequence powsurf runs

I sessioned this little wall hit for a few airs before moving on to a new zone. Good for a few ollies and a backside 180.

This area is well known for its numerous caves and sink holes. There are 3 huge sink holes and a big cave near this area. I got brave and didn't bother to wear a leash or anything for a few jumps.. This resulted in the near loss (forever) of one of my boards. I slammed, the board went flying down the mountain and literally rode the wall of a bottomless sink hole a few hundred feet down the mountain. Note to self... wear your leash.

My runaway board literally rode the bowl around this sink hole. You can see it's track at the bottom of the pic. I threw some stuff down this hole and I could not hear it hit the bottom... I was super lucky not to lose my board for good.

The weather warmed up a bit so I moved on to another zone a few miles away and a bit higher up to find some colder snow to ride. The light was fading fast so my options were pretty limited but I found this hump that was begging to be slashed. Notice the gloveless right hand - I snapped this with a remote shutter controller.

I took a nice break on the upper peaks, looking around for some features and making some plans for the late afternoon light. This is one of my favorite spots in the world to chill. I've been coming to this spot for over 20 years and it never gets old. It really makes me appreciate the beautiful area I am so lucky to live in.

As golden hour approached pieces of sunshine became more difficult to find. I managed to find a decent NW facing slope where I could ghostride my sled down and make some late evening turns.

High powered slash

Head plant... from trying to slash too hard.

The sun got even lower until I was limited to the very tops of the ridges for sunlight. I set up a few shots hoping to catch some golden light. (these are NOT the shots) these are frame grabs from the video I was shooting.... of me shooting the shots - if that makes sense. The light didn't pop much in these frame grabs.

Here's a shot of me getting a shot of me

As the sun dropped farther into the western skyline I scrambled to find a zone where the "golden light" would be shining. My options were limited this late in the evening but I managed to find a few features that were surfable before the sun set. It was a dark and cold trip home, I was pretty beat down from the 12+ hour powsurf session.

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