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Grassroots Powdersurfing

Grassroots Powdersurfing: February 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Full Steam

The latest round of boards, hot off the press. - The "powder skate", "slasher", "slasher 140" and "Powder Shark 140"

The recent lack of posts on the blog is certainly not a reflection of a lack of riding this season. Footage and photos are stacking up so fast I can hardly keep up. R&D on some longer boards and new shapes has been super fun and the progression of riding is moving ahead faster than ever. Bigger cliffs, steeper lines, and technical tricks are an everyday occurrence. More and more riders are catching wind of powsurfing and realizing the potential. People all over the world are testing the boards and I have had nothing but positive feedback and intense stoke on riding the boards. Once they step on one of these they are instantly sold.

Warming up with a little drop which sends you straight for a little hip jump (pic below)

Kickflip in the pow pow

360 shov on the mini hip

If all your interested in doing is making turns, you may be missing half of the point of bindingless riding. - 360 Kickflip in the Utah Backcountry.

One glory slash is worth a hundred turns!

Here I am talking shit about turning... Seriously though, here's my philosophy, "Turns are what you do to control your speed and guide you to the next feature that you plan on dropping, launching or powerslashing"... you can quote me on that.

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Friday, February 4, 2011

Powder-Day Saints - "The Second Coming"

A huge chunk of the last year of my life has been put into the filming, editing and production of my latest snowboard/powsurfing film.

"Powder-Day Saints - The Second Coming" will premier next week in Logan Utah with a couple more Utah screenings hopefully in the near future. I made this film on a $0 budget... it took countless hours of time in the edit room aside from the time and effort taken to shoot it all. My resources are limited, so unfortunately it may not get seen much anywhere else outside of our small scene… we'll see what happens I guess.

All expenses came directly out of my pocket… I would hate to even add it up… especially counting the hours of work I have poured into it. I would be in the hole tens of thousands of $. (I hope my wife doesn't read this) Funny what you find yourself doing when you follow your passion. I set a personal goal to get this completed this year so I can move on to the next project. Maybe it will pay off some day.. if not, I have priceless experiences and good times along the way to show for it.. along with a nice video journal of the past couple of seasons of riding snowboards and powsurfers. If you haven't checked out the film, peep the teaser here…….

The video basically consists of my friends from Northern Utah and I hucking booters, dropping cliffs, punching lines and just loving it in the powder… Riding snowboards, skis, sleds, and powdersurf boards.

The majority of the film is snowboarding as I am holding onto a lot of material for the release of a full length powsurfing film.. something I have been working on for a few years now but have lacked the time to complete. Next fall will bring to light some really cool stuff.

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