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Grassroots Powdersurfing

Grassroots Powdersurfing: August 2011

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Summer sweatshop

Production has been in high gear since the season finally came to an end. I've revamped and updated the website, processed hours and hours of footage and photos, and pressed as many boards as possible. I have a grip of new experimental shapes and sizes and I can't wait to take them for a test drive.

We are involved in a bunch of new media about to hit the magazine stands, the television, and the interwebs this fall. It will be interesting to see how "the masses" react to this stuff. Maybe they love it, maybe they hate on it.. Either way, It won't affect the amount of fun I have surfing the pow.

Grassroots Powdersurfing Sweatshop - Manville, USA

The "Red Rocket"... aka "The Bomb"
Given the MANY hours I spend building these boards, I get pretty attached to them. I have a hard time letting them go really. Hopefully they find find happy homes and live up to their full potential.

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