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Grassroots Powdersurfing

Grassroots Powdersurfing: June 2011

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer Solstice Snowskate Sesh

I've been shredding so much pow this year that i just haven't had an opportunity to get on the bi-decks as much as I used to. Our local resort has outlawed them so they rarely see much action aside from early season campground sessions and apres shred parking lots. It felt great to get out and throw some slush around.

Conditions were a bit bumpy and sticky in spots, but we had a hell of a good time.
I had an old Burton Junkyard, (from the first run of snowskates that burton did over a decade ago) a Ralston that I have been itching to give a good test ride on, and a Florida Powderskate that I traded Adam a powsurf for. The Ralston and the Florida shredded up the slush pretty nicely. The burton... well, too small, too old, needs a basegrind, ect....

Peep the vid!
